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What does science say about sign language and the deaf community's struggles?

The Cognitive Benefits of Sign Language Acquisition in Toddlers and Adults

The cognitive benefits of sign language acquisition extend far beyond language proficiency, impacting various aspects of cognitive development, social communication, and emotional well-being. Through its stimulation of brain plasticity, support for language development, and promotion of cultural awareness, sign language plays a crucial role in enhancing cognitive function and enriching the lives of individuals across the lifespan.


Understanding and Addressing Health Disparities in the Deaf Community

Research shows that the deaf community is more susceptible to specific health issues such as PTSD, alcoholism, and an overall poor mental health state, compared to the general population. Health disparities in the Deaf community represent the need for targeted interventions and systemic changes to improve healthcare access, address mental health needs, and reduce the prevalence of alcoholism and substance abuse.

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